Friday, July 3, 2020

Happy July 4th

This is not really a post as much as it is a simple hello.

As many of you may have guessed I have been away from the blog. Several weeks ago John was asked by his former employer if he would like to return to work on a temporary basis. He asked my permission, and I gave it to him. In many ways retirement has been good, but he misses the routine of working. He misses the contact with coworkers and the everyday challenges that come with being my submissive are not enough to keep him active.

In some ways we have gone back to our old roles as they were before discovering John's submissive needs were discovered. With him working and me having more free time I have going back to doing house work and taking care of the garden. I was never made to be a princess or queen. I like doing things. I like being active and taking care of what needs to be done. Every evening John and I still have our special time to talk where upon he kneels and I sit in a comfortable chair. One of the things that I am convinced of it that it is good for a man to kneel before his wife as least once in every day. Some women hate the  idea of their husband addressing them as mistress instead of by their first name. Yet, I have never tired of being John's mistress and being addressed as such. Even when he accidently uses the mistress word in front of friends or family I take it as a mark of respect.

Thank all of you for the comments. At some point in the not to distant future the blog will become more active again, but for the moment I am not into it. In another sense my belief that femdom blogs should be done by younger women who are more active with families reminds me that my personal beliefs may be out of season. If there is a message in Femdom 101 it is about encouraging younger women to take the lead in their relationships. Men, even strong men, need the authority of a capable-confident woman in their life.

One thought I would like to add to this July 4th post is the importance of confidence. If they want to most women have the ability to lead. The issue for most of them is self confidence. There were a couple of recent postings dealing with this issue. There is also a very short story about a young lady-a college student who wrote to me during the winter. Carol, along with neighbors is expecting me for coffee and specially made biscuits in a few minutes so it is time for me to go. Some time next week I hope to share that short story with you and talk about the comments.

Until then please remember that I love you all. I love you not just for reading, but for having the courage to surrender the traditional manly armor of control to the love and authority of your wives.
This allow you to be more sensitive, more loving and more caring and essentially better husbands and fathers. Once again I would use the term 'new age male', but perhaps that expression has ben over worked on this blog. So be good boys on this fourth. Serve as best you can and as well as you can be the manly pillar of strength that your wives deserve.

Love, Kathy


  1. Mistress Kathy,

    On a piece of paper I scribbled a quote from a web site that seems to have disappeared. Quoting:

    "A female led relationship casts aside the assigned gender roles given by society and it creates a different relationship. For many men and women this is new and exciting ...Changing gender roles makes both partners vulnerable because they are exploring new territory together. While exploring a female led relationship both partners find themselves in new roles that can be scary and exciting at the same time."

    Perhaps some young woman will soon be exploring this in a vlog on YouTube.


  2. Dear Mistress Kathy,

    With the knowledge of what being retired can do to an individuals lifestyle dynamics, let me say that i do understand Your comments about trying to be more active here and also the need for a younger woman's perspective. Not wanting to incur anyone's wrath; but with Your wealth of experience, life's ups and downs and the knowledge You've gained, please don't sell Yourself short.

    Over time, we've seen traditionally male and female roles evolve from those taught from early childhood back in the post WWII days. The freedom that women have in controlling their own lives and health have changed drastically since the 60's and new opportunities have brought out many very wonderfully competent and intelligent dominant females. The whole world has changed drastically and continues to evolve. Dominant people finding their counterpart with submissive partners is not just a male/female thing any longer. It's that compatibility factor that is so needed. I think what Tim is saying is that males are no longer confined to just domly dominant roles, especially at home and women are not relegated to being wives, stay-at-home mothers and homemakers. The change in society is evident. However, the dominance of women in the home has always been there. The only real problem, as i see it, is that males expected to always be dominant with their wives instead of being a partner or a submissive to her. As this changes, we see more men taking care of the children and women exceeding in all sorts of careers.

    Ms. Kathy, we miss You. It will be a happy day when You write more.
    Thank You for Your time and sharing Your thoughts - whatever they may be.

  3. In one web site it was commented that an FLR may be "gender fluid". That is, not a straight forward role reversal, with the roles being the old stereotyped ones. I think that means a certain degree of flexibility, in that particular tasks are done by the individual most competent at it.

    But in an FLR, there is a reversal in that the woman is dominant and the man subordinate.


  4. Quoting from FLR Joy:

    "Women already married before developing a FLR may enjoy a second private ceremony where he vows his love, obedience, devotion, chastity, and fidelity to her while she promises to love, care, guide and keep him."


  5. Mistress Kathy,

    Younger women will be in the position of innovators. They will be pioneering a new way of life, based on a very different paradigm.

    It is the task of us males to place our hopes and trust in these women. (And to be their guinea pigs). :)


  6. I occasionally google "Female Led Relationships". I am looking for hints that a Femdom community may be gelling.

    Got suckered by a pornographic site, pretending to be an FLR web site.


  7. A woman who is thinking of an FLR should check out Victoria West's web site.

    "A Woman's Guide To A Female Led Relationship"


  8. Came across a comment that humans are essentially pack hunters ("Are You A Sigma Personality" by Hearth Witch 1111). Which reminded me of my co-worker who described herself as an "Alpha".

    Could something like this apply to an FLR, with the woman being Alpha to the male?


  9. Not only have women become more empowered now, but it is also easier for men to be themselves. I was brought up in a very alpha male time and always felt uncomfortable about it. About ten years ago we started a WLM and I feel this is how it was always meant to be for me.
    We learned so much from reading this blog. I really hope this is not a goodbye as I know many other couples out there are looking for answers. Take care- Alan.
